Advisement Syllabus

Advisement mission statement

The academic advising process at Jamestown Community College assists students in developing and implementing educational plans that are compatible with their life goals and which lead to student success and completion. Advisement provides a connecting and caring experience for students while emphasizing the importance of student responsibility in the process.

Expected student learning outcomes

Through academic advisement experiences at Jamestown Community College, students will:

  • Identify the meaning of course requisites and how to determine them
  • Identify the meaning and implications of imputed credit
  • Recognize where to access degree requirements
  • Recognize where to access transfer information
  • Monitor academic progress through college information systems
  • Recognize that course selection can have an impact on financial aid eligibility

Advisor responsibilities

It must be emphasized that advising is a joint responsibility of faculty and students. The advisor's task is to guide the student toward accepting responsibility for mature academic decision making.  Keeping this in mind, the faculty advisors are expected to:

  • Reinforce student self-sufficiency in academic and career planning
    • Guide student creation of academic and career plans
    • Instruct students on how to select and self-register for courses based on their plans
    • Train students on how to monitor progress towards plans using Banner and Degree Works and, in conjunction with students, continually monitor progress
    • Direct students to educational resources (applied learning, transfer information, academic support, etc.)
    • Help students judge if plans need to be adjusted and aid any needed adjustments
    • Encourage and proctor early and ongoing transition planning to a transfer institution or the workforce

Student responsibilities

Students have a large responsibility in the advisement process and should take the initiative in seeking advisement and working with their advisors. In order to do this effectively, students are expected to:

  • Become self-sufficient in academic and career planning through consultation with faculty advisors
    • Create academic and career plans
    • Based on plans, select and self-register for courses
    • Continually monitor progress toward plans using Banner and Degree Works
    • Connect to educational resources which support achieving plans
    • If plans need to be adjusted, seek assistance from appropriate resources
    • Plan early and on an ongoing basis for a smooth transition to a transfer institution or the workforce
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